Clean the liver after Christmas

12 January, 2020

Not only is it enough to return to the daily feeding routine, from the FEHV Clinic we give you some tips to be able to clean your body of the excesses of the Christmas holidays.

During Christmas holidays, excesses are usually committed with the diet since we abuse of fats, sweets and alcohol. All this affects the liver since this type of diet favors the development of fatty liver disease. Therefore, at the end of holidays, in order to recover the possible damage that the liver may have suffered (and to avoid further damage), it is important to clean the liver with various recommendations.


  • Do not drink any alcohol, not even beer or wine, at least for a month. Also, do not drink sugary soda as it also induces the accumulation of fat in the liver.
  • Go on a diet, reducing the intake of animal fat and carbohydrates.
  • Exercise at least three hours a week although it is preferable to do at least 30 minutes every day. It can be any type of aerobic or anaerobic exercise. Another possibility is to walk as long as indicated..
  • Drink 3-4 cups of coffee (with or without caffeine) daily since it has been proven that coffee decreases the risk of accumulation of fat in the liver, you can see our


These tips will help your liver to recover from the Christmas holidays but it is best that they be adopted as lifelong habits.

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