Can I eat eggs if I have liver disease?

17 November, 2019

Within our series “Liver and food” we explain the role of the egg in a balanced diet and its relationship with the diseases that affect our liver.

Eggs are a source of proteins of high biological value because they provide us with essential amino acids, which are those that our body cannot produce but which are necessary for the formation of our proteins. They also contain beneficial fats for health (mono and polyunsaturated), minerals (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, ..) and vitamins (B12, folic acid, vitamin D ..). In addition its energy contribution is low.


Doctor, can I eat eggs?

Many patients in our clinic ask us if they can consume eggs, since it is a widespread belief that people with a liver disease cannot eat them and even that they are harmful in healthy people. This is not true.


Surely, the bad reputation of this food comes from its high cholesterol content. It is assumed that the intake of a high cholesterol diet is associated with high blood cholesterol levels. However, many scientific studies show that the cholesterol we take in our diet has little or no influence on the levels of cholesterol in our blood.

The fundamental point to control cholesterol values ​​is to reduce the consumption of saturated fats (present in red meats, whole dairy products …) and trans fats (pastries, processed foods). Taking into account that in the egg the amount of this type of fat is very low and given its high nutritional content, it is recommended to include eggs in a balanced diet (about two or three per week), cooking them in a healthy way (scrambled, cooked , poached, ..) to avoid adding unnecessary calories (fried).


(To be continued)

At the Hepatitis Viral Study Foundation Clinic, we perform liver biopsies as part of our diagnosis. Ask us!

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