| Covid-19 | Health
Likelihood of coronavirus infection after the first or second dose of vaccine

There have been some studies in different populations that evaluate the protection developed against COVID-19 after receiving the first or both doses of the vaccine.

| Diseases | Enfermedades | Health | Salud
Spontaneous cure of liver cancer

Rare cases of spontaneous cure of liver cancer have been described in patients with various unrelated treatments.

| Covid-19 | Health
Can I get reinfected if I have already suffered COVID-19?

After having suffered from COVID-19 there are possibilities of reinfection but in a low percentage.

| Covid-19 | Health
Coronavirus variants and vaccine protection

There are a number of coronavirus mutations that could make COVID-19 an endemic disease like the flu.

| Covid-19 | Health
Symptoms that may last after the disappearance of the coronavirus

After having suffered from the coronavirus, symptoms can persist for up to 6 months after infection.

| Covid-19 | Health | News
Coronavirus transmission in restaurants

We analyze the incidence of the virus in non-ventilated spaces and crowds of people.

| Diseases | Enfermedades | Fatty liver | Health | Salud
Physical exercise to avoid liver disease

A study has recently been published that analyzes the relationship between physical exercise and the reduction of liver disease.

| Health | Salud
Alcohol does not affect men as well as women. Why?

Depending on various factors such as body composition, weight or accumulated fat, with the same percentage of alcohol consumed, it affects women more.

| Covid-19 | Diseases | Enfermedades | Health | News | Salud
Respiratory infection by the new coronavirus: respercussion in the liver?

Why do transaminases increase?

| Alimentación | Health | Healthy nutrition | Salud
Clean the liver after Christmas

Not only is it enough to return to the daily feeding routine, from the FEHV Clinic we give you some tips to be able to clean your body of the excesses of the Christmas holidays.

About Us

The Foundation for the Study of Viral Hepatitis is a benchmark in the field of hepatology worldwide, with the best specialists in liver diseases and molecular biology. A clinic specialized in internal medicine, liver and digestive system in Madrid

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