Dra. Guillermina Barril
Especialista en Nefrología.
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid (1976).
Specialist in Nephrology. Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid (1981).
Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid (1981).
Diploma of specialization in clinical research methodology by the Autonomous University of Madrid (1997).
Diploma of expert in Hemodialysis by the Complutense University of Madrid (2000).
Diploma of expert in therapeutic apheresis from the Complutense University of Madrid (2016).
Actividad asistencial
Deputy of the Nephrology Service of the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital, Madrid (1982-1982).
Deputy of the Nephrology Service of the University Hospital of La Princesa, Madrid (1982-2010).
Head of Nephrology Section at the University Hospital of La Princesa, Madrid (2010-present).
Actividad docente y científica
Associate Professor in Medicine at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Professor in all editions of the Master’s degree in Hemodialysis by the Complutense University of Madrid.
Professor in 2 courses of “Nutrition in Chronic Kidney Diseases” at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
Tutor of residents of Nephrology at the University Hospital of La Princesa, Madrid for 17 years.
Member of the Nutrition Commission of the University Hospital of La Princesa, Madrid.
Participation in numerous Research Projects financed by national public bodies (FISS, FIPSE, GESIDA) or private entities.
Presentation of more 470 research papers in national and international congresses.
Publication of more than 125 original articles or reviews in national and international scientific journals.
Méritos y premios
Member of the Editorial Committee of the Nefrología Magazine and the journal Microbiología y Enfermedades Infecciosas.
Reviewer of the journals: Nephrology, Hospital Nutrition, Plos One, Antiviral Research.
Coordinator of the Guidelines of the Spanish Society of Nephrology for Hemodialysis Virus.
Member of the Spanish Society of Nephrology and the Spanish Society of Dialysis and Transplantation.
Member of the European Society of Dialysis and Transplantation, of the European Society of Vascular Access and member of the International Society of Nutrition and Renal Metabolism.
Coordinator of the Virus group in Dialysis of the Spanish Nephrology Society and the Nutrition Group of the said Society.
Awarded 10 awards for her research work
C/ Guzmán el Bueno, 72 – 28015 (Madrid)
Tf: (+34) 91 544 94 64 – (+34) 91 544 60 13
Working hours: Monday to Thursday
09:00 a 18:00