| Hepatitis B | News | Treatments
Efficacy of a new treatment for hepatitis B

A new treatment for chronic hepatitis B using an antisense probe shows promising results, with 62% achieving theoretical cure and mild side effects.

| Hepatitis B | News | Treatments
Withdrawal of antiviral treatment in Hepatitis B

Chronic hepatitis B affects over 250 million people worldwide and can progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

| Fatty liver | Hepatitis | Hepatitis B
The impact of fatty liver in chronic hepatitis b

Fatty liver is one of the most frequent diseases and affects 25-30% of the world population.

| Hepatitis B | News | Treatments
New treatment for Chronic Hepatitis B

Chronic hepatitis B virus infection is a global health problem.

| Diseases | Hepatitis B
New treatment for Hepatitis B with vaccine

New trials published with hepatitis B patients suggests the use of liposome nanoparticles with virus antigens for their treatment.

About Us

The Foundation for the Study of Viral Hepatitis is a benchmark in the field of hepatology worldwide, with the best specialists in liver diseases and molecular biology. A clinic specialized in internal medicine, liver and digestive system in Madrid

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